To keep this page actual, we need your help!
If you have found any mistakes or are knowing about more shows or deteails, please let us know!

Attention: Although we tried to do our best, we unfortunately cannot guarantee  the correctness of the follwoing data!


Clube Portugučs de Canicultura
Rua Frei Carlos 7
P-1600-095 Lisbonne
phone: ++351-(0)1-7994790
fax: ++351-(0)1-7994799

date of show


type of show/
titles to be awarded


information/registration forms

08. Jun 2001 Oporto FCI World Dog Show Mrs. Zena Thorn-Andrews (Kennel "Drakesleat") phone: ++351-1-7994790
fax: ++351-1-7994799

Sorry, at the moment we don't know exact facts about other shows in this country.
For more information, please contact the national Kennel Club or IW Club!

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Last update of this page: March 20th, 2001