To keep this page actual, we need your help!
If you have found any mistakes or are knowing about more shows or deteails, please let us know!

Attention: Although we tried to do our best, we unfortunately cannot guarantee  the correctness of the follwoing data!


Raad van Beheer
op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland
Postbus 75901
NL-1070 AX Amsterdam Z
phone: ++31-(0)20-6644471
fax: ++31-(0)20-6710846

Neederlandse vereniging voor de Ierse Wolfshond - Ierdie
Secretary: Mrs. M.W. Bussemaker
Barchman Wuytierslaan 54
NL-3818 LJ Amersfoort
phone: ++31-(0)33-4618018
fax: ++31-(0)33-4655938l

date of show


type of show/
titles to be awarded


information/registration forms

05. Mar 2000 Zuidlaren CAC/CACIB ? phone: ++31-(0)50-5343514
24. Apr 2000 Leeuwarden CAC/CACIB ? phone: ++31-(0)593-552524
30. Apr 2000 Woudenberg Specialty puppies and veterans males: Mrs. C. van Zanten
females: Mrs. C.N. van der Veen-de Vos
phone: ++31-(0)297-327639
fax: ++31-(0)297-326407
29. Oct 2000   Ierdie Clubmatch   phone: ++31-(0)23-5386982
04. Mar 2001 Zuidlaren CAC/CACIB Mr. Frans De Ridder/B phone & fax: ++31-(0)50-5343514
30. Aprr 2001 Woudenberg Jonge Honden en Veterandendag males: Mrs. C.N. van der Veen-de Vos
females: Mr. A.R.R. Doedijns
phone: ++31-(0)23-5386982

Sorry, at the moment we don't know exact facts about other shows in this country.
For more information, please contact the national Kennel Club or IW Club!

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Last update of this page: March 20th, 2001